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Daniel Andrews Commonwealth Games Press Conference

Victoria to withdraw from hosting 2026 Commonwealth Games

Premier Andrews confirms the state will no longer host the Games

Why Andrews says axing the Games was the right decision

In a surprising announcement, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has confirmed that the state will no longer be hosting the 2026 Commonwealth Games. The decision has sent shockwaves through the sporting community and has left many questioning the reasons behind it.

Andrews justified his decision, claiming that it was the "right thing to do" for the people of Victoria. He cited the state's rising cost of living and the need to prioritize essential services as the primary factors.

Vice-president of the Commonwealth Games Federation, Kereyn Smith, has expressed disappointment over Victoria's withdrawal, stating that the state was "well-prepared" to host the event. She has suggested that the decision may have been politically motivated.

Andrews has faced intense criticism from the media, with many accusing him of "humiliating" Victoria. However, the Premier has defended his actions, insisting that he made the "difficult but necessary" decision.
